Fembryo Fertility Clinic – Success Stories

You know what we did last year on Valentine’s…

Long-awaited baby Swart.


“You know what we did last year on Valentine’s 😉

Na ‘n hele ruk van self probeer het ek en Hernus gegaan vir behandeling by Fembryo Fertility & Gynaecology Clinic.

Ons eerste IUI was in November 2021 en nie een van die twee ovums het gevat nie. Op Valentynsdag 2022 het ons weer probeer en hier lê my seuntjie wat absoluut vir ons bestem was – hy was een van drie.

Nou nie juis die mees romantiese dag wat ek al ooit gehad het nie, maar vir drie maande al is dit nog net maanskyn en rose. Dankbaar, dankbaar, dankbaar.

Soms vat dit drie – ek, jy, en Dokter Danie. ❤️


“You know what we did last year on Valentine’s Day 😉

After a long period of trying to get pregnant, Hernus and I went for treatment at Fembryo Fertility & Gynaecology Clinic. Our first IUI was in November 2021, and neither of the two eggs took. On Valentine’s Day 2022, we tried again, and here is my little son who was undoubtedly meant for us – he was one of three.

It wasn’t exactly the most romantic day I’ve ever had, but for the past three months, it’s just been moonshine and roses. Grateful, grateful, grateful.

Sometimes it takes three – me, you, and Doctor Danie. ❤️

– By Retseh Swart, on Facebook

Fembryo Success Stories

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