Fembryo Fertility & Gynaecology Clinic

Success Rates

Success rates for fertility treatments worldwide are rising as a result of advances in technology and available therapies. 

Fembryo Fertility Clinic Success Rates

Success Rates for Assisted Reproductive Therapies and Fertility Treatments.

Success rates for fertility treatments worldwide are rising as a result of advances in technology and available therapies. However, each case will have unique factors that influence the outcome. The success rates at Fembryo Clinic are comparable to those of other countries – we are proud of each success story we can be a part of.

Globally,  the rate of success of IVF treatments is at around 28% to 35%, which decreases with the increase in each woman’s age. For example, the success rate is generally 32.2% for a woman who is under 35 years old and 1.9% for women aged over 44.*

*SOURCE: Fertility Treatments Global Market Report 2023

To get a broader understanding of your chances at success via IVF, it might be helpful to use the American CDC’s IVF Success Estimator for a rough idea:

NOTE: The above estimator uses American measurements – click here for a unit converter.

We know that although oocyte (egg) quality and quantity is often associated with maternal age, this is not always the case. More recently there has been a move towards individualised fertility treatment according to an individual’s potential for success. There are many variables that have an impact on one’s fertility potential and we know that men contribute to at least 30% of fertility challenges. 

This is WHY we at Fembryo Clinic are deeply committed to developing patient-centric treatment plans that aim to provide the best possible chance of a successful outcome for each individual case.

For those who intend to start their families through IVF, the fact that IVF success rates have improved over the past ten years, especially in older women, can be comforting. These success rates are still not a guarantee of success in every case or first attempt, so it is important to take precautions to safeguard your mental health since IVF can be physically and mentally taxing.

By assisting you with stress management, teaching you coping mechanisms for treatments, and helping you set limits for who to include on your IVF journey, a skilled therapist may help you safeguard your mental health as you undergo IVF.

If you would like to know more about our success rates and what possibilities there may be for your individual case, please make an appointment with us as soon as possible.

If you would like to know more about our success rates and what possibilities there may be for your specific case, please make an appointment with us as soon as possible.